The Hellenistic culture started during the period where Phillip II and Alexander the Great ruled Macedonia, a nation located north of Ancient Greece. Phillip II, Alexander’s father had a dream to rule the entire world. He takes over the civilization of Ancient Greece. It was very easy for Phillip II and his army to defeat Greece, because it was divided into various City-States. Therefore it was easier to fight a small army. Unfortunately, Phillip II was killed by one of his soldier, during his way to his daughters wedding. According to the Monarchy government, the son of the king takes over. Alexander the Great continues conquering new lands, just like his father wished. The new nations that Alexander the Great conquered were Persia, Egypt, and all the land of India. The combination of this civilization, including Ancient Greece created a cultural diffusion. All of this different cultures and customs became into one, on what is known today as the Hellenistic culture.
Why was it easy for Phillip II to take over Ancient Greece?
By: Florangel De Leon and Franklin Bautista
By: Florangel De Leon and Franklin Bautista
Excellent post and question.
I think that it was possible for Phillip to conquer Ancient Greece because Greece was divided into independant city-states. Macedonia also had superior fighting techniques including the phalanx
You have got it wrong about India and Alexander.
I like it i think everything is right. check out my blog ajani c ancient greece
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